

Expertise’s and appraisals in the field of civil, mechanical and industrial engineering, wood working, furniture, interior design, flooring

Structural analysis and calculations in the field of mechanical and civil engineering

Consultancy concerning low energy consumption buildings „KlimaHaus - CasaClima” experts (climate houses)

Public and party expert consultancy

Strategic and technical-legal consultancy

Conflict management and coaching

Arbitration and mediation

Consultancy for CE and ISO certifications for Construction Products

Facility fire protection

Introduction of quality and environmental management systems as well as for safety, health and risk management systems

dott. dott. ing. Dieter Kompatscher

dott. dott. ing. Dieter Kompatscher

  • Year of birth 1965
  • MSc. Civil Engineering, University of Innsbruck (A)
  • MSc. Political Economy, University of Innsbruck (A)
  • Production manager of wood processing company
  • Master formation for carpentry
  • Internal Auditor ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 Safety protection expert under Italian laws 626/94, 464/96
  • Fire protection expert under Italian law D.Lgs. 81/08
  • Registered professional and structural test engineer
  • Lectureship at Bolzano College of Geometers
  • Registered expert, consultant, arbitrator and mediator
  • Since 2009 CEO of the QED Engineers & Consultans LTD based in Bolzano (I)


via tre santi 10
I - 39100 Bolzano (BZ)

Tel./Fax: ++39 0471 283456
Mobile: ++39 338 653 1418

E-mail: info(at)
PEC: QED(at)

Codice destinatario: W7YVJK9


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